Identity securityInformation SecurityInformation TechnologySecurity

Navigating the Digital Minefield: The Perils of Personal Identifiable Information

By Marquese Davis, Heathcare IT Executive

In today’s interconnected world, the sanctity of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) stands at the forefront of cybersecurity concerns. As someone who has spent years safeguarding the digital fortresses of enterprises, I’ve witnessed the relentless attempts by adversaries to exploit the slightest chinks in our armor, with PII being their most coveted prize.

The Silent Threats to PII

The digital age, while bringing unparalleled convenience, has also ushered in an era where our most personal details, names, addresses, social security numbers, and more are constantly at risk. Sophisticated phishing campaigns, state-sponsored attacks, and advanced malware are no longer exceptions; they are our daily battles. The recent [FBI’s Internet Crime Report] ( paints a grim picture, with losses amounting to $10.2 billion, a testament to the magnitude of the threat.

Weaponized Personal Identifiable Information

Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is a prime target in the digital realm, and its weaponization can have multifaceted implications. Upon acquiring PII, cybercriminals can exploit it for unauthorized access to accounts, making illicit purchases, or even direct extortion. Beyond direct financial harm, the broader implications of weaponized PII are evident in manipulating information systems, potentially leading to political disruptions or eroding public trust. Advanced technologies, like Artificial Intelligence, further amplify the risks with capabilities such as creating deepfakes and hyper-realistic but entirely fabricated media without individuals’ consent. Moreover, the precision of PII allows attackers to craft highly convincing, targeted phishing campaigns, making traditional defense mechanisms less effective. In this landscape, the weaponization of PII isn’t just a personal threat but has broader societal implications, emphasizing the critical need for robust data protection measures.

A single breach at a data broker can expose the PII of millions, given the sheer volume of information they handle.

Data Brokers and PII Security Risks

Data brokers, entities that collect, process, and sell vast amounts of data, including Personal Identifiable Information (PII), have become central players in the digital ecosystem. With their extensive data repositories, they are prime targets for cyberattacks. A single breach at a data broker can expose the PII of millions, given the sheer volume of information they handle.

In a 2021 Computerworld article by Paul Gillin, he talks about the growing concerns surrounding the data brokering industry. The industry, which includes well-known firms like Experian and Acxiom and a vast array of lesser-known entities, is adept at collecting vast amounts of personal data. A significant portion of this data originates from the “deep web,” which remains unindexed by conventional search engines. The potential misuse of this data is alarming. Simple details, such as a home address, can be exploited to gain insights into an individual’s life, property, and habits. Efforts to remove personal data from these broker databases have seen challenges exacerbated by the need for overarching regulations. Paul Gillin underscores the importance of individual vigilance in safeguarding personal information in the digital age.

[Source: Computerworld](

The industry’s operations often outpace current regulations, leading to limited transparency and control for individuals over their data. Most people need to be made aware of how extensively their information is traded, and once sold to third parties, the original data broker loses oversight, introducing new vulnerabilities. Furthermore, with global operations spanning different jurisdictions, inconsistent data protection standards can increase risks.

While data brokers offer crucial market insights, their central role in handling and trading PII inherently amplifies security risks. Balancing the benefits of data analytics with the imperatives of data security remains a pressing challenge in the digital information age.

Data Brokers and the Risks of Data Breaches

In the digital landscape, data brokers have emerged as pivotal players, amassing and monetizing vast amounts of information from individuals. Often, this data is sold, licensed, or shared without the full knowledge or consent of the individuals involved. While these operations provide valuable market insights, they also introduce significant risks, especially concerning personally identifiable information (PII).

Many operate without direct consumer engagement, creating a veil of opacity around their data collection and distribution practices. Notable breaches further exacerbate this lack of transparency. For instance, in 2018, an unsecured server at Exactis exposed information for nearly 340 million individuals. The same year, a cyberattack on Apollo revealed billions of data points, including email addresses. In 2019, LimeLeads faced a breach due to a lack of password security for its internal server, exposing data for 49 million people. Another significant breach occurred in 2020 when Social Data exposed nearly 235 million profiles scraped from platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.

One of the most notable breaches in recent history was the 2017 incident at Equifax, which exposed data of 147 million people, including names, addresses, and social security numbers. Furthermore, data breaches aren’t limited to the brokers themselves. In some instances, clients of data brokers have been hacked, leading to further exposure of broker-held information. An example is when Interactive Data’s information was misused for fraudulent activities after some customers faced cyberattacks.

The increasing incidents of data breaches involving data brokers highlight the pressing need for enhanced security measures and regulatory oversight. As these entities continue to hold vast amounts of PII, the industry must prioritize transparency, accountability, and robust data protection mechanisms to safeguard individuals’ privacy.

Source: [Data brokers and data breaches – Tech Policy @ Sanford]*

The First Line of Defense: Awareness

Knowledge is power. Recognizing the value of the information we hold and understanding the potential risks are the first steps in building a robust defense. Regular training sessions, awareness campaigns, and simulated phishing exercises can significantly reduce the risk of falling prey to malicious actors.

 Protecting PII within Organizations: A Guide for Individuals

1. Awareness and Training: Stay informed about the latest security protocols and threats. Many breaches occur due to human error, so regular training can significantly reduce risks.

2. Strong Authentication Measures: Use strong, unique passwords for all accounts and enable multi-factor authentication (MFA) wherever possible. MFA adds an additional layer of security by requiring two or more verification methods.

3. Limit Access: Only provide your PII when necessary. Ask why specific information is needed and how it will be protected. Ensure that your PII is accessible only to those who require it for legitimate purposes.

4. Secure Communication: When sharing PII, use encrypted communication channels. Avoid sending sensitive information through unsecured emails or messaging apps.

5. Regularly Monitor Accounts: Regularly review accounts and systems that store your PII. Promptly report any suspicious activity to the IT or security department.

Adopting a Proactive Security Posture

Reactive measures, while essential, are insufficient. A proactive approach, encompassing continuous threat intelligence, regular security assessments, and real-time monitoring, is imperative. It’s about more than having the right tools and ensuring they are correctly implemented, integrated, and continuously updated.

Understanding the Landscape of Data Brokering and Consumer Protection

In early 2023, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) initiated a comprehensive review of the practices of data brokers. This move is designed to shed light on the mechanisms through which these entities collect, store, and sell consumer data. The CFPB’s initiative is not just about gathering insights but also about shaping future policies to ensure consumer data protection.

The distinction between different types of data brokers is crucial. While some brokers directly interact with consumers, collecting firsthand data, others operate in the shadows, sourcing information without direct consumer engagement. The latter often raises more concerns due to the need for more transparency in their operations.

Historically, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) of 1970 set the precedent for data privacy regulations. It was a pioneering effort to regulate the flow of personal information and ensure its accuracy and confidentiality. However, the digital age has seen the emergence of new entities that often operate on the fringes of such regulations. These modern data brokers, equipped with advanced technologies, have brought forth new challenges in data privacy.

As the CFPB gears up to receive public feedback, the broader question remains: How can regulations evolve to ensure that consumers’ personal data remains protected in this ever-changing digital landscape?

Author’s Bio:
Marquese Davis is an experienced executive in the Health IT field, having worked for 20 years. He has played a key role in integrating Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and telehealth solutions into healthcare. His knowledge extends to infrastructure and security, as he has managed IT teams and led important projects for healthcare providers. Marquese’s ability to bring together technical and clinical aspects of healthcare technology has greatly improved efficiency and data protection. In a rapidly changing industry, his dedication to infrastructure and security continues to be crucial in shaping the future of Health IT.